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5 Things We Want To Eat In Dublin This Week

Lexi Hopping

Just because the sun isn't out and the weather is insanely unpredictable, doesn't mean we can't devour colourful, zesty dishes... albeit indoors. Here's five of the best we've spotted this week...

1) Mint Pecora Curd and Salt Baked Golden Beetroot, One Pico

This dish from One Pico is one of the prettiest we've seen this summer. With mint Pecora curd (made from Australian sheep's milk), lime, salt-baked golden beetroot, pickled kohlrabi and calendula, it looks and sounds like a winning combo.

2) Truffled Flottante, Glovers Alley

Glovers Alley are all about the ÃŽle Flottante when it comes to dessert, but this savoury version with truffles takes it to a whole other place. Along with aged balsamic and EVOO, Wiltshire truffles take pride of place, and we're guessing the custard is infused with them too.

3) Grilled Gambas, As One

As One's Saturday brunch menu has a lot of thingswe'd like to eat, but their grilled gambas are top of the list. With grilled lemon and prawn shell mayo, we think they're a steal for six euros.

4) Earl Grey, Cranberry and Orange Brack, The Cupcake Bloke

Graham Herterich AKA The Cupcake Bloke loves brack, and we didn't realise how much we did too until we saw this creation. This sweet and savoury version is Earl Grey, cranberry and orange, which he dressed with a chicken liver parfait, orange segments, golden raisins soaked in Valentia Island Vermouth, candied bergamot & marigolds. So much going on, yet all of it seems right.

5) Sprinkle Cake, The Cake Cafe

Who said you had to be six to enjoy a slice of rainbow coloured sprinkle cake? The Cake Cafe has their own version which they can make in any flavour, we reckon it would be good for small and big kids alike.

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